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Increasing profitability
Optimising maintenance
Improving dependability


When a facility is being designed, modified or new working arrangements implemented the effectiveness and performance can normally only be estimated; process simulation takes away the guesswork and provides a quantified understanding of performance.

A simulation is time based, takes into account all the resources and constraints involved in a process or activity and the way in which these interact with each other as time passes. Simulation builds in the randomness seen in real life: even the reliability and maintainability characteristics can be included. The visual nature of the model allows the flow of work to be observed while the simulation runs; this can provide insights into potential problem areas, as can the wide variety of data that can be output from the model.

Low cost investigations

With simulation, ideas can be investigated quickly and at a fraction of the cost of trying them in the real organization. When ideas can be evaluated quickly, many more ideas can be tested and many insights gained into how to run the organization, or design the equipment more effectively.

Taranto Consultancy can develop computer simulation models of existing or proposed systems and facilities to evaluate design and efficiency. Although virtually anything can be modelled, common applications are:
  • Performance evaluation of new facilities
  • Performance evaluation of modifications to existing facilities
  • Effects of modifying staffing levels or working hours
  • Effects of changes in demand for products
  • Effects of changes in supply of materials
Typical results evaluate inventory, throughput, bottlenecks, utilisation and productivity amongst many others.

Effective sales tool

Simulation is visual and animated; so that it lets you clearly describe your proposal to others. It is more convincing that just displaying the end results as people can't see where these came from. Simulation is so effective at communicating ideas that many companies now use it as a sales tool to sell their products: in fact, Taranto Consultancy has produced a number of simulations to support design bids.

Models are built using the powerful and user-friendly Simul8 software system. Once the model is complete, you can take it over and run it yourself if you wish or have it managed for you: Taranto Consultancy provides sales, training and ongoing support.

Simul8 solution provider

Taranto Consultancy is a certified Simul8 solution provider:
Click to Validate Certificate - SIMUL8 Certified Simulation Solution Provider

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:: Read Chapelcross case study of simulation in pracitce

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